Year level Suggestions For Topics and Activities, created using suggestions from Dianne Edwards and Sophia Sabatier, literacy consultants with Australian Independent Schools of Western Australia ( AISWA)
Years 1-3
- Recount of the visit
- Description of a character in P&J.
- What sayings and phrases are repeated in the play
- Descriptions of the different puppets in P&J
- Recount of the story
- Write a new funny story using the characters and plot of Punch and Judy: For Example: Judy goes Shopping, Joey meets the Crocodile in the Kitchen, Mr Punch’s Breakfast, Punch and Judy’s Wedding, The Devil plans to capture Mr Punch
Years 5-8
- Review of the show including : recount; description of two characters; opinion.
- Research the puppetry of one country. (Indonesia, Eastern Europe, Turkey, India, England, Italy, China, Japan, or Vietnam etc.) Present in a multi-modal form, poster or written report
Years 7-10
- Script a play with beginning, middle and end. Perform with own sock puppets
- or: cut-out stick puppets
Years 8 -12
- Consider the role of ‘The Villain’ in stories. Describe some villains in films or other stories. what motivates them? Essay or report.
- Research a history of Punch and Judy: Commedia Dell’ Arte (Pulcinello)>English Pantomime> Punch as puppet in street shows> addition of Judy.
- Write a different show for Mr Punch using the same characters.
Religion and Life
- Discuss links between puppetry and religions, especially in Indonesia, Bali, and India.
- Puppetry in film and television. Students research a film or TV show which uses puppet techniques. Examples: Sesame Street, Labyrinth, The Fantastic Mr Fox, Mary and Max,
- Research different styles of puppetry: how are they made and operated?
- Make a puppet
- Design and Construct: sock puppets, shadow puppets , rod(stick) puppets
- What did Mr Punch do that is not permitted in Australia?